Fire Hooks Unlimited Hydra-Ram Forcible Entry Tool


Hydra-Ram Forcible Entry Tool

Unlike other hydraulic tools, the Hydra-Ram has eliminated separate hoses and pumps and has integrated these into a one-piece tool. While other tools require a two-man operation, the Hydra-Ram can be is a true one man operation.

  • Lightweight, at 11lbs (alone) and 12lbs (with bag and strap)
  • No hoses or auxiliary pumps to leak or trip on
  • Special stainless steel of 220,000 tensile strength makes up the jaws
  • Special finger grips give a non-slip holding surface
  • 10,000 pounds of force is presented at 138 pounds of pumping to acquire 3/4 inch per stroke to a max thrust opening of 4 inches
  • Can be placed in any position, even upside down, without any effect on its operation